About Me and Belize


About Me

Me! Single! Cook?

Don’t know how to cook? I sure didn’t!

Now you have to cook! I learned!

Pretty sad, or is it? Not really!

Partner left or divorced and now it’s cook or starve!

Single parent, works all day and then has to prepare dinner. Wouldn’t be nice to reach in the freezer for a good, clean, healthy meal you prepared, and have it ready in minutes?

Wife is 6 months pregnant and the doctor said, bed rest or you will lose the baby! Dad your it! Now it’s feed you, mom and maybe a kid. Take a breath and go to https://MeSingleCook.com for easy meals and meals you can put in the freezer for later.

You could go to the store and buy lots of TV dinners. Look at the ingredients and see how many preservatives and chemicals you can’t pronounce are in there. That’s not even talking about the huge amount of salt added to TV dinners.

With a little help, you can do a lot better than those TV dinners. All the dinners that are on https://MeSingleCook.com are classified as easy. Most dinners are great frozen and taste good reheated. There are a few easy one time meals that are fast.

I’ve been there. My first wife passed away after 38 years of marriage. I was only allowed to cook on the grill, and for good reason. I saw a great pepper steak recipe on break at work. It was not green pepper but black pepper. I was the only one that could eat it. By unanimous decision, I was no longer allowed in the kitchen. After 38 years, the kids were gone and I became chief cook and bottle washer!

I have been single for quite a while.  Before retiring I was a machinist, tool designer, air traffic controller and rural mail carrier. Mixed in there I had a small engine shop. Because of my background, if I need something I can’t buy, I make it.

Some people say I’m as old as dirt. As long as I am walking on dirt, and not under it, I am ok and cooking!

My home and property in Corozal, Belize is a lot for a single person to take care of. My property has many fruit trees. Most are still young and have not started producing fruit. I have enjoyed my own bananas and oranges so far. I raise tomatoes, peppers and herbs in pots close to the house. If I am cooking and need a fresh herb growing in the back yard, it’s simple to go and get it

I enjoy cooking and like being able to relay my cooking methods. Depending on space in the freezer, I try to have a variety of at least 2 or 3 different choices for each, breakfast, lunch and dinner. Throw in a freshly cooked quick meal a couple times a week and the dishes you have stashed, keep meals from getting boring.

I have learned a few things about natural health and medicines since I move to Belize. I have 3 Morings trees. One is mature and the other 2 are just getting started. It’s known as the health tree. I eat the seeds. The leaves are dried and used to make tea and added to food dishes. The flowers are also edible. One of my friends puts the flowers into a smoothie. The bark and roots are also good.

The other local health drink is Noni. Noni juice is supposed to be good at preventing and fighting cancer.  I am not a doctor, so you be the judge. Noni and Moringa products are sold world wide. I am lucky enough to have access to the fresh stuff. Picture of me peeling Moringa seeds.Moringa seed podMoringa seedsMoringa seed pod opened

Below is a picture of a pineapple I have been growing. It is about 6 months old, grown from a top of a pineapple I ate. The pineapple  usually takes 2 years to grow from a cut off top. Lucky me!

I hope this gave you a glimpse inBelize Avacadodragon fruit vertical pic
Pink local flowers




18 inch barracudaherbs 1herbs 2hwebs 3herbs 4



Pineapple top rowing in waterdCows tied to treeCane truckMy Home at DuskCoconut tree loadedBananas growing

Johns working picturerelaxing under palapayoung pineapple growingdragon fruit


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