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It’s between your ears!

I want to make this clear. I am not putting down all the fad diets that have been around for years and years. If you could follow the people that stayed on any diet,  their success rate at getting where they want to go, I bet it’s very low.

The success of getting down to a weight you want is between your ears. Only you are the determining factor to the end you want.

They never show you the overweight person that has been on their diet for a year. They only show svelte, muscular people to promote their products. They never show you the success rate of people on their program.

It’s all between your ears! Your success of getting where you want to be whether it’s weight or size, falls square on you. It’s you that decides on the outcome. If someone says you need to lose weight, even if you agree, and you are not committed, it won’t happen.

Be stupid. Keep cramming those hamburgers and fries in your chubby mouth, and watch yourself grow! Don’t say you want to lose weight and keep eating like that. If you’re 100 or more pounds overweight, my plan might take a long time. No dedication, no weight loss, PERIOD!


Do you want to lose 30 lbs. to fit in a dress for the wedding? Do you just need to get in better shape by losing a few pounds? My system is not designed to cut your weight dramatically. My system lets you lose weight in about as painless way as possible. You didn’t put on the weight overnight, you won’t lose it quickly either.

If you are eating three hamburgers a day, I am not your savior! My diet is actually no diet, it’s all about eating sensibly

For breakfast do you eat 3 eggs, 4 strips of bacon, hash brown and a couple of pieces of toast? If you are an athlete and work or play hard all day, you need that size breakfast to keep you going.

If you are an office person, eating that kind of breakfast, will put you overweight. I can help. It really won’t hurt so much. Instead of having 4 strips of bacon, first knock it down to three, or maybe two. You still get the bacon, but not as much.

I hope you see where I am going. Don’t cut out the things you want, just cut back a bit. Instead of a big pile of hash browns, just cut back. If you cut the hash browns out completely, you will feel deprived. Over time scale back all your meals a little at a time.

As I write this, I just finished off a candy bar. I want to lose some weight, my way. I have not had a candy bar in a couple of weeks. I was having one almost every night before. I have a small container full of candy bars. Tonight I just wanted one. Some diets would have slapped my wrist!!! I did not have a candy bar for many nights so tonight I had one.

If you are told you can’t have something, you want it more or feel deprived. My way you don’t have to feel cheated. All you are doing is cutting back.

I saw a statistic that 71% of people between the ages of 17 to 24 could not pass the minimum physical entry requirements to join the service, that being overweight. How do you feel about that?

Something else that goes along with this, is eating healthy. If you have a choice of chicken or regular ground beef, which do you choose? Chicken can be dolled up to be very tasty, but a fat hamburger tastes pretty good. Choosing chicken won’t make you thin overnight, but it will take you in the right direction.

You have to be onboard with this or it won’t work. If your spouse says you have to lose weight and feeds you granola bars for breakfast, you just stop at the fast food place on the way to work and get something fattening. If it’s not your goal to lose weight, it won’t happen.

Bet on your determination! Find a good friend that does not believe that you will lose the weight. Make a bet for an amount that will hurt if you lose. Set a goal to lose 10 pounds or so in 6 months. You don’t need to starve yourself. Follow my plan and you will get there. The biggest benefit will be that cutting back will not deprive you the things you like, so keeping the weight off and losing more will be easy.

Now you have to make a decision as to what you will do to lose the weight that -YOU WANT TO LOSE. You can get on a fad diet because the ads say you will lose weight. You can get on a diet where you buy the food from them. Whether you buy the book or the packaged food, all you are doing is lining their pockets. If you choose to go with a fad diet, go online and read honest reviews from people that tried it. Don’t look at reviews supplied by the sponsors of the diet plan.

Here is the test! Stand in front of a large bathroom mirror naked alone. Look yourself in the eyes and if you can say; I am great in the skin I’ve got, then only lose weight because you want too, not need too. If you can’t look yourself in the eyes because of the shape your body is in, you need to lose weight to feel good. There are many people, that some would consider overweight, but are happy in their skin. They don’t need to diet to feel good.

Pier pressure can make you feel you have to do something you don’t want to do. If you are comfortable in your skin, tell them nicely or roughly to mind their own business. You are the judge and only judge of your weight and body. Be your own master.

I am there with you. I am comfortable in my skin. I want to lose a few pounds so I might have more energy. I like my beer. I would usually drink 3 beers on a hot day. I cut myself back to 1 beer a day. The other day, I worked my tail off and had 2 beers. I am back to 1 beer again. I am not a heavy eater. For breakfast I might have had 2 eggs, 2 strips of bacon and 2 pieces of toast. I cut that back to one egg, one link sausage and 1 piece of toast. I still eat all the things I like, but a little less. I don’t feel deprived. I feel satisfied.

My food blog at its roots is preparing meals of several potions and freeze them. Heat them on those days when you come home tired and cooking a meal is the last thing you want to do. At any one time I may have 6 different main dinner courses in the freezer. I can reach in the freezer get something that sounds good for dinner, make a side and maybe a salad and I can eat in 15 minutes. Because I made these meals, I know they are clean of additives and healthy. I may also have several breakfast and lunch items frozen.

Cut back a little at a time and eat healthy. Use what’s between your ears to guide the way and you will be all right.


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